Varidesk – Change The Way You Work back and neck? It could be your office desk! Try the new Varidesk and reduce office-related pain and sypmtoms.
Stiff back and neck? It could be your office desk! Try the new Varidesk and reduce office-related pain and sypmtoms.
As we return to our work stations, we return to the stress and pressures of working an eight hour day. Perhaps you had a break during the December period? No headaches or neck pain… yet now that you have returned to work it has all started again. Why?
Time to switch to a memory foam pillow? Normal pillows can not compromise for weight variances from your neck to your head, forcing your neck to compensate when you are trying to rest. A Sleep Active memory foam pillow moulds to the shape of your neck giving you a wonderfully supportive
Orthopaedic school bags are designed with your child’s health in mind. They are designed to distribute the weight of heavy books equally between both shoulders and provide the best ergonomics possible. Special features include: Orthopeadically designed with an internal contoured support system Recommended by medical professionals and endorsed by CASA – Chiropractors Association of South
Founded on principles of excellence and true family health care, Concourse aims to be the community family practice by serving the area with passion and warmth.
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