
Post-Injury Rehabilitation


Rehabilitation is essential after an injury and without it, returning to pre-injury fitness levels can be difficult. Rehab is necessary for all musculoskeletal injuries. Patients who have undergone surgery also require rehabilitation. Keys to successful rehab: Education: make sure that the rehab plan has been explained adequately. Your practitioner should highlight

Post-Injury Rehabilitation2022-06-21T16:48:02+02:00

Heel and Arch Pain – Plantar Fasciits


The plantar fascial band is a very strong band of tissue that originates from the heel and splits into fives segments before inserting into the toes. This band forms the medial longitudinal arch of the foot, providing static support and shock absorption. Plantar fasciitis is an overuse syndrome loosely defined as

Heel and Arch Pain – Plantar Fasciits2022-06-21T16:48:55+02:00

The Female Athlete: Part One


Understanding women’s health and treating female athletes is a complex matter of understanding what conditions or issues are common, severe and/or exclusive to women. For example, osteoporosis is more common although not limited to women, where as menstruation and pregnancy are exclusive to women. A medical practitioner needs to understand the

The Female Athlete: Part One2022-06-21T16:50:05+02:00

Hamstring Muscle Injury


Hamstring injuries occur readily in a number of sports, but often these sports involve sprinting and kicking. Acute, moderate or severe strains are common in sprinters, hurdlers and other field sports like hockey, rugby and soccer. They are the most common injury affecting Australian football players, and many other national football

Hamstring Muscle Injury2022-06-21T16:51:25+02:00

Foot Problems In Children


Paediatric podiatry is differs from general podiatry in a number of ways. Firstly, the developing foot provides unique challenges that are not encountered by its adult counterpart due to the nature of its growth and development. Not only is the foot subject to the many changes encountered by its development and growth, but the foot

Foot Problems In Children2022-06-21T16:52:37+02:00

Painful Shins


Shin pain is a common complaint amongst sportsmen and women of all ages. The term ‘shin splints’ is used as a loose reference, by sufferers, to non specific pain in the shins and legs. Shin pain has many causes and specific pathologies and requires careful evaluation by a podiatrist.

Painful Shins2022-06-21T16:53:29+02:00

Athlete’s Foot


During the summer months, feet often become hot, sweaty and itchy. These symptoms are typically characteristic of Athletes Foot. What is Athlete’s Foot? Athletes foot is a fungal infection of the skin on the feet. It is often accompanied by a secondary bacterial infection. The fungal infection can be caused by

Athlete’s Foot2022-06-21T16:54:59+02:00

Foot Problems Caused by High Heels


A large selection of the population wears high heels for most of the day. According to podiatrists, chiropractors, doctors and physiotherapists, women who wear high heels most of the time are at high risk of developing a number of foot, back and neck problems. One can assist a client strike the

Foot Problems Caused by High Heels2022-06-21T16:56:28+02:00

Diabetes and the Foot


Diabetes Mellitus is a serious disease affecting nearly all major systems in the body. The World Diabetes Foundation states that developing countries like South Africa are currently experiencing an ‘explosion’ of the disease due to rapid lifestyle changes. The estimated number of diabetics is about 840,000 but this number is expected

Diabetes and the Foot2022-06-21T16:57:40+02:00
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